
”University of Michigan”是否有行德文翻譯銷學




在University of Michigan裡說到: "In general, minimum acceptable scores are in the 80-85 range on the MELAB, with section scores of at least 80; in the 570-610 range on the paper-Based TOEFL (PBT), with section scores of at least 57; in the 230-250 range on the computer-Based TOEFL (CBT), with section scores of at least 23; or in the 88-106 range on the new internet-based TOEFL (iBT), with section scores of at least 23 in listening, speaking, and reading, and at least 21 in writing. The IELTS is also acceptable with scores in the 6.5-7.0 range, with section scores of at least 6.5. Some programs require scores in the higher portions of these ranges (College of Pharmacy minimum scores: MELAB-85; PBT-600; CBT-253; iBT-100-106; IELTS-7.0). In addition, the “Oral Interview” with the MELAB (minimum score 4), or the Test of Spoken English (TSE) with the PBT or CBT is required (minimum score 55) for applicants to the College of Pharmacy. The speaking section score of the internet-based TOEFL should be at least 27." (截自http://www.admissions.umich.edu/prospective/international/exams.html) 妳托福要至少考(紙上)570, 而電腦ㄉ要230歐~~ http://www.bus.umich.edu/Academics/Departments/Marketing/marketing/FacultyList.asp?Department=MK&titleIndex=1 全部可以聯絡ㄉFACULTY 這間學校有MARKETINGㄉ 可是我看不出來有沒有MASTER ㄉ 妳可以聯絡台灣同學會ㄉ聯絡人: http://www.bus.umich.edu/Admissions/Diversity/Internationalcontacts.htm 網站裡可以找到台灣同學會聯絡人ㄉ伊媚兒(不好意思公佈他的伊媚兒) University of Michigan 是一間很好ㄉ學校 可是要看學院啦 妳可以多參考其他ㄉ學校, 我是覺得妳可以在考慮看看其他ㄉ學校 因為密西根州有點無聊ㄡ~~ 有問題我在盡量回答ㄉ~~幼兒美語



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